By: Jay L.
There is no question as to why the most recent outbreak, the COVID-19 aka Corona Virus, is causing such an upsurge in the news, workplace and in your home. Be sure to measure your level of concern and take the steps to ensure anxiety doesn’t get the best of you. The doubt that this pandemic has created is leaving society at large clueless as to what might happen. Your stress levels may be influenced at any given time from factors related to economic shifts, medical uncertainty and how to respond to the Pandemic. Here are some helpful tips so that you can better manage anxiety associated with the COIVD-19 pandemic.
First, look within. Understanding what’s going on underneath this mess is vital to uncovering the emotions that are surfacing. You may be part of the population that’s spending significantly less for goods and services to avoid contact with this virus. That’s OK. The instinctive reaction is normal and cutting back on spending may be the most natural response linked to any possible emergency. The reaction to the COVID-19 virus is going to be an intense emotional feeling. Taking the time for self-care can lift some weight off your shoulders. Immune system boosting healthy lifestyle includes regular cardio exercise and consumption of Vitamin C/ Zinc rich foods and supplements. Mindfulness meditations, journaling and drinking water frequently are a few methods to a better sense of wellbeing, along with the recommended safety precautions.
Next, develop a plan of action using preventative measures. The pending vaccine for this outbreak is still a projected 18 months (2021) until it can be used. Take the time to reschedule any travel plans and if you must travel, do locate a medical staff nearby. It is advisable to keep away from coughing people, always maintaining space between people and keeping gadgets, homes, offices and transportation constantly sanitized. We cannot change how this virus may impact our communities, but we can change our emotions. If you feel it necessary, consult a counselor who has specialized training to help you process high anxiety. You can create an environment of safety and assurance with your family by involving them in this process. Being with each other can create a feeling of wellbeing with a family health plan.
In a worst-case scenario, it’s good to know which doctor to contact if you or a family member were to exhibit signs of illness. Keep close tabs on any symptoms and the length associated to share with a medical professional.
Lastly, you can take a mental step away from the virus. By engaging yourself in positivity, you can re- direct your response and shift your attention. You will find major news channels, internet and social media websites are constantly updating the latest tragedies and disturbing news. Limit yourself to these media. After taking the recommendations there is no need to constantly refresh your life with these stories. Washing your hands and controlling your reactions to others are the basic needs. Instead, focus your attention on something good and let your body feel good in the process.
If you notice yourself on the edge more often, change your inner dialogue. Take yourself through each step with positive affirmations. These mental pep-talks can keep you feeling like what you’re doing is the right thing. Being grounded can keep you from spiraling out of control.
If all of the above tips are insufficient to help you cope with the anxiety of Corona, call Dunham Counseling at (630) 799-0100 or email today to obtain more information about how a trained, licensed therapist can help you better manage your stress and anxiety during the current pandemic.