Financial Issues & Conflicts Around Money

Life change often presents new financial stresses. Newly divorced or single with children, your situation can overwhelm your finances. New marriages, children or stepchildren, are full of financial challenges. It often means that couples need to find an agreeable way of handling finances together.

Many of the couples we see have financial problems caused by different views about money and may have problems talking about money concerns. Family crises, job losses, re-locations, retirements, college costs, supporting relatives, child support are stresses for family finances.

Over-spending, debt, addiction and problem gambling can overwhelm families and lead to financial trouble. Our couples therapists can help couples to mediate differences and think through solutions for a healthier way of relating to finances. We can help you become part of the solution and not stay part of the problem.

  • Job Loss
  • Over Spending
  • Trouble Communicating
  • Divorce
  • Credit & Debt
  • Marital Stress
  • Bankruptcy and Foreclosure
  • Discussing a Prenuptial Agreement

At Dunham Counseling, while we are not financial or investment planners, we help couples prepare themselves to take steps to get the expert help and get back on a better financial track. Too often couples go for expert financial help, and get what may be perfectly adequate financial advice, but are unprepared to communicate with each other to effectively to implement it.

Couples counseling to develop healthier communication around money concerns is the first step toward financial recovery.